1. Before entering the rehearsal space you MUST wear a mask and comply to all social distancing rules standing at least 1.5m away from other people (preferably 2m)
2. On entrance a register will be taken if you are not on that register you will be sent home.
3. Spare clothes will be checked and must be changed into upon entering the building (spare clothing for the cupboard is allowed to be brought to rehearsals however ONLY teachers have access to this cupboard so if you have clothes to put in there give them to the assigned teacher. Clothes must be in a fastened bag with name clearly stated).
4. Students must then enter their respected rooms and all doors will be closed.
5. No toilet breaks or shops breaks will be permitted during rehearsals so please get anything you need prior to the rehearsal.
6. Nobody is allowed in the foyer including parents.
7. PPE including masks and sanitiser is offered to those who wish to use it. However everyone MUST wash their hands on entrance to the building and whenever instructed to do so by a teacher.
8. Have fun and respect the rules put in place we look forward to seeing everyone in rehearsals

Meeting/pick up point- Stratford International DLR station
Dancers must go to the toilet before rehearsals, as there are no facilities to go during rehearsals
Everyone must respect peoples decision to social distance from others
Bring extra clothing to change into and out of
Masks are not mandatory but are provided if necessary
Arrive up to 30 minutes early to assist us to keep everyone safe and at a distance when travelling to Olympic Park 

Travel to and from rehearsals:
Ensure you are wearing masks/face covering when on public transport, follow government guidelines:
Have hand sanitiser with you 
Please respond to the poll in the IMD LEGION FORUM regarding social distancing to make our lives easier in planning for the return back to rehearsals

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